Telze Cell Phone Reair uses only Original Quality parts, in many cases sourced directly from the original manufactures brokers, and do not use in any way fake or knock off quality parts. Some repairs shops will offer higher pricing to try and convince you that you are receiving quality. This is just greed.
We pride ourselves in the quality of our work, our warranty is the best in the industry, often better than the original manufactures warranty. Every repair and modification is unique, nothing is rushed, and we still provide the fastest turnaround, with the best prices on the highest quality.
We pride ourselves in the quality of our work, our warranty is the best in the industry, often better than the original manufactures warranty. Every repair and modification is unique, nothing is rushed, and we still provide the fastest turnaround, with the best prices on the highest quality.
If you’ve shopped lately for a new phone, you know how easy it is to end up spending nearly $1,000 to get the latest device — only to be stuck in a contract for a year or more. But shopping for an unlocked phone online can save you hundreds of dollars. And you’ll have the freedom to change carriers at any time, potentially saving you even more money in the long run.
Check out our selection of high quality, tested and warrantied second hand phones. Give us a call to ask about our inventory.
Check out our selection of high quality, tested and warrantied second hand phones. Give us a call to ask about our inventory.